Our Vows

We're not actually planning to change anything about our relationship, so instead of vows we're mostly just going to talk about some of the things that seem to work in our relationship and that we plan to continue doing...

  • We approach life as a team.
  • We navigate our relationship with intention. We are here because we have chosen to be.
  • We actively hold space for each other. We listen with curiosity.
  • We devote time and energy to long walks, creating space and giving ourselves time to communicate and navigate our relationship and our life together.
  • We turn toward each other in conflict. We engage with each other even when it's difficult, and we choose to trust in our ability to engage with any challenges we might face.
  • We lean into discomfort, embracing it wherever possible as an opportunity for growth.
  • We find and break the cycles that are no longer serving us well.
  • We accept each other in each moment, exactly as we are, and we continually encourage each other to be better.
  • We support each other in our lives, our struggles, and our growth.
  • We recognize the importance of having a plan, even (especially!) if plans change.
  • We allow our relationship to change and evolve over time.
  • We encourage and support each other's other relationships, both romantic and otherwise.
  • We each take responsibility for ourselves, our lives, our needs. (I'll be me, you be you.)
  • We are each committed to our own separate and individual growth.
  • We are not each other's best friend, soulmate, one true love, or other half. We are not responsible for each other's happiness.
  • We build trust. We play together. We explore relationship dynamics and marvel at how differently our brains work!
  • We find delight in our life together and enjoy our time spent both together and apart.
  • We provide a solid and stable platform for each other, from which we can each rise higher and reach farther.
  • We are nesting partners. Together we've created a home where we and others find safety and space to just be.
  • We're a flock, with our birds.
  • We build community, both separately and together, and we cherish the people in our lives.

Okay, now the actual commitment part...

  • I'm committed to navigating this relationship
  • With you
  • Wherever our path leads us
  • With as much openness and mindfulness and humility and vulnerability and authenticity and good clean hard work as I can muster
  • For as long as it makes sense
  • As long as we can continue to be better and stronger and healthier together
  • As long as we can keep learning and growing together
  • As long as we can keep supporting each other
  • And especially when things get uncomfortable or difficult or messy.
  • I choose you.
  • (And also our birds!)


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